AI Consulting Services: Harnessing AI for Strategic Advantage

In the dynamic landscape of digital innovation, artificial intelligence (AI) is not a futuristic fantasy but a present-day reality. It's transforming how businesses operate and interact with customers. We understand the potential and power of AI in reshaping marketing strategies and driving business growth.
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Expert Consulting

Elevate Your Business with AI Consulting: Unleashing Potential with Technology

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) through a dedicated consulting agency can significantly enhance your marketing strategies. By boosting website traffic, generating more leads, and increasing revenue, AI consulting services offer a competitive edge in the digital marketplace.

But what exactly does AI consulting entail, and why should you consider partnering with an AI service provider?

AI consulting goes beyond traditional marketing methods. It involves using advanced AI technologies and analytics to understand customer behaviors, predict market trends, and automate complex processes. Working with an AI solution provider brings numerous benefits, but it’s essential to understand its scope fully. On this page, we dive deep into what AI consulting is, the benefits it offers, and how it can revolutionize your business approach.
If you’re eager to explore how AI consulting can transform your business, continue reading. For personalized advice or to discuss your specific needs with a specialist, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at Solocube Creative.
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Audit & Research

Identifying the keywords you’re already ranking for near the top of Google will get your site higher on search engine rankings. This is quicker than starting from scratch and can result in an increase of traffic jumps, rather than waiting long periods of time.

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Advanced Keyword Research

We identify all key search terms possible then we'll rank them by volume, competitiveness, and relevance to your type of business. We research extensively, using professional tools to help us find targeted keywords for your website.

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On-Page Optimization

Once we optimize your website, you can expect a quick improvement in performance and traffic. Our research will help define the keywords that are most relevant to what users search for on Google, we then use this information to optimize your website so that it can rank higher on search engines.

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Content Writing

We understand that a website is nothing without the power of well-written and optimized web content and that is why we provide high-end website content writing to help our clients make the most out of their web presence and to help you rank higher than your competitors.

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Strategic Link Building

Backlinks are an extremely valuable tool for SEO. We will identify your link targets and develop a high-quality link strategy, as well as create links to these assets from high domain authority sources in the industry.

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Customized SEO Strategy

Organic SEO produces the best return on investment, boosts your website’s online visibility, and generates more business. Every business is different and that is why we produce a custom SEO strategy for your business in order to maximize impact on Google.

Unlock the Future of Business with AI Consulting Services

Navigating the realm of AI consulting might initially seem daunting. Artificial Intelligence, with its intricate and sophisticated nature, is indeed a futuristic concept. Yet, its practical application in marketing can yield transformative results, and this is where AI consulting services, such as those provided by Solocube Creative, come into play.

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Based on 23 reviews

AI consulting revolves around harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to enhance decision-making processes based on comprehensive data analysis. By integrating AI consulting into your business strategy, you entrust the enhancement of your marketing endeavors to experts in the field.

How AI Consulting Transforms Your Business

At Solocube Creative, our AI consulting services delve deep into your existing marketing strategies. We assess and identify avenues where AI can streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and drive better outcomes. The goal is to discover more effective and innovative methods to achieve your business objectives using AI.

By partnering with us for AI consulting, you not only get insights into whether AI is the optimal choice for your campaign but also gain expert assistance in implementing AI-driven solutions that propel your business forward.

Empowering Your Business with AI Consulting Services

Wondering what an AI consulting agency like Solocube Creative can achieve for your business?

Let's delve into the impactful services that AI consulting brings to the table:

Enhanced SEO Content Creation:

  • Content is a pivotal element of any marketing strategy, and its creation is a critical task. To ensure your content ranks well in search engine results pages (SERPs), it must be SEO-friendly. Without this, your website's traffic and lead generation can significantly suffer. AI consulting agencies, through the use of advanced AI technologies, can assist in crafting content that resonates with both your audience and search engines. This approach guarantees your content's effectiveness and reach.

Transforming Content Understanding with Natural Language Processing (NLP):

  • Revolutionizing Content Categorization: NLP transcends traditional content analysis, allowing for sophisticated categorization. Whether distinguishing how-to articles from service pages or other content types, NLP brings unparalleled precision.
  • Enhancing Content Descriptions: With its deep understanding of content nuances, NLP aids in crafting concise, accurate content descriptions, elevating user experience and SEO performance.
  • Optimizing Image Alt Text: NLP extends its capabilities to visual content, offering intelligent alt text suggestions for images, thus improving accessibility and SEO.

Predictive Analysis for Strategic Insights:

  • User Interaction Insights: Harness the power of AI to decode user behaviors, from interactions with CTA buttons to overall website engagement, for strategic decision-making.
  • Future Performance Predictions: Leverage big data and AI to predict future content or design performance, eliminating guesswork and enabling data-driven strategies.
  • Innovative Tools for Competitive Edge: We employ cutting-edge predictive analysis tools, combining advanced AI algorithms with our extensive data pool. These insights not only enhance content strategy but also provide a significant advantage over competitors in search engine results.

By integrating these advanced AI techniques, Solocube Creative's AI consulting services open new horizons in digital marketing, offering a smarter, more efficient approach to content strategy and website optimization.

Selecting the Perfect AI Consulting Partner for Your Business

Choose Experience and Longevity:

  • Proven Track Record: Opt for an AI consulting firm with a solid history, preferably over a decade in the field. Such longevity indicates not only a deep understanding of AI but also adaptability to its evolving nature.
  • Diverse Clientele Experience: Firms with extensive experience have likely catered to a wide array of clients, honing their ability to deliver tailored, effective AI solutions.

Value Client Feedback and Testimonials:

  • Insights from Reviews: Prioritize firms with overwhelmingly positive client feedback. Reviews offer invaluable insights into the real-world performance and client satisfaction levels of the AI consulting services.
  • Balanced Assessment: While considering reviews, remember that each client's experience is unique. A few negative comments shouldn't overshadow a majority of positive feedback.

Demand Transparency in Operations:

  • Clarity in Pricing: A trustworthy AI consulting firm will be upfront about its pricing, eliminating hidden costs and providing clear, published rates online.
  • Transparent Service Offerings: The best AI consultants will clearly outline their range of services, making it straightforward for potential clients to understand what they’re signing up for.

We understand the importance of these criteria and strive to embody them in our AI consulting services. Our commitment to experience, client feedback, and transparency positions us as an ideal partner for businesses looking to harness the power of AI effectively and efficiently.

Leverage AI-Powered Advanced Analytics

Real-Time Insights for Informed Decisions:

  • Unveil the power of real-time analytics driven by AI, enabling your business to make quick, informed decisions. Our advanced AI tools analyze large data sets instantly, providing you with actionable insights when you need them most.
  • Adaptive Strategies: AI analytics adapt to emerging trends, helping you stay ahead in a constantly evolving market landscape.

Data-Driven Campaign Optimization:

  • Maximize the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns with AI-powered analytics. Our services pinpoint the most impactful strategies, fine-tuning your campaigns for optimal performance.
  • Personalized Customer Experiences: Harness AI to tailor your marketing efforts, creating personalized experiences that resonate with your target audience and drive engagement.

Comprehensive Reporting and Analysis:

  • Dive deep into the nuances of your business data with comprehensive AI-driven reports. Our analytics tools not only gather data but also interpret it, offering clear insights and recommendations.
  • Predictive Modelling: Utilize AI to forecast future trends and customer behaviors, positioning your business strategically for upcoming market shifts.

Our advanced AI analytics services empower you to make smarter decisions faster, elevating your campaigns and ensuring that every marketing move is data-backed and effective. Let AI transform your analytics approach and unlock new potentials for your business.

Unlock Personalized Marketing with AI Tools

Tailored Campaigns for Maximum Engagement:

  • Revolutionize your marketing efforts with AI-driven personalization. Our AI tools analyze customer data to create highly targeted campaigns, ensuring that your message resonates with each segment of your audience.
  • Enhanced Customer Profiles: Leverage AI to build detailed customer profiles. Understand their preferences, behaviors, and needs for more effective and personalized marketing strategies.

Dynamic Content Customization:

  • Elevate customer experience with content that adapts to individual needs and interests. AI algorithms curate and recommend content, products, or services tailored to each user, boosting engagement and conversion rates.
  • Automated Personalization: Our AI solutions automate the personalization process, delivering relevant and customized experiences to customers across various touchpoints without manual intervention.

Real-Time Interaction and Responsiveness:

  • Engage customers at the right moment with AI's real-time capabilities. Provide timely and relevant responses to customer interactions, enhancing engagement and building stronger relationships.
  • Behavioral Triggered Actions: AI tools detect and respond to customer behaviors, triggering personalized actions that increase the likelihood of conversion and repeat business.

Solocube Creative's AI personalization tools transform your marketing approach, making every customer feel uniquely understood and valued. By implementing AI in your strategy, you're not just marketing smarter; you're fostering deeper connections with your audience, driving loyalty and growth. Let AI redefine personalization in your marketing campaigns for unparalleled customer engagement.

Predictive Marketing Mastery with Solocube Creative's AI Solutions

Forecasting Customer Behavior for Proactive Marketing:

  • Embrace the power of predictive marketing to anticipate customer needs and preferences. Our AI-driven platforms analyze historical data and current trends to forecast future customer behaviors, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Strategic Campaign Planning: Utilize predictive insights to strategically plan your marketing campaigns. By understanding potential customer actions, you can create more effective, targeted campaigns that resonate with your audience's future needs.

Data-Driven Decision Making:

  • Make informed marketing decisions based on robust AI analytics. Our predictive platforms turn complex data into actionable insights, guiding your marketing strategies with precision.
  • Optimized Resource Allocation: Efficiently allocate your marketing resources by focusing on high-impact strategies and channels predicted to yield the best results, maximizing ROI.

Enhanced Customer Journey Mapping:

  • Tailor the customer experience by predicting their journey through various touchpoints. Predictive AI helps in crafting personalized interactions at each stage of the customer lifecycle, enhancing engagement and satisfaction.
  • Dynamic Content and Offerings: Dynamically adjust content and promotional offers based on predictive insights, ensuring that your marketing efforts align with evolving customer interests and behaviors.

Our AI-powered predictive marketing platforms transform the way you connect with your audience. By leveraging AI for predictive insights, you can craft future-proof marketing strategies that not only meet but anticipate customer needs. Let our AI solutions guide you into a new era of predictive marketing, where foresight drives success.

AI Chatbots and Customer Service: Elevate Your Customer Experience

Real-Time Customer Engagement:

  • Deploy Solocube Creative's AI-powered chatbots to provide instant responses to customer queries, delivering a seamless and efficient customer service experience. Our chatbots are designed to engage with customers in real time, ensuring their questions are answered promptly and accurately.
  • 24/7 Availability: Our AI chatbots are operational around the clock, ensuring your business is always ready to assist customers, regardless of the time or day. This continuous availability greatly enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Automated Support with a Personal Touch:

  • Our chatbots are programmed to handle a wide range of customer inquiries with a personalized approach. By analyzing customer data and past interactions, our chatbots offer tailored assistance, making each interaction feel individualized and thoughtful.
  • Efficient Query Resolution: AI chatbots efficiently handle common queries and issues, freeing up your human customer service team to focus on more complex tasks. This balance of AI and human touch optimizes overall customer service efficiency.

Intelligent Learning and Improvement:

  • Solocube Creative's AI chatbots continually learn from each interaction, adapting and improving their responses over time. This self-learning capability ensures that the support they provide becomes more accurate and helpful with every customer interaction.
  • Feedback and Analytics: Gain valuable insights into customer needs and preferences through detailed analytics provided by our AI chatbots. Use this data to refine your customer service strategies and improve overall customer experience.

Incorporate Solocube Creative's AI chatbots into your customer service framework to revolutionize how you interact with customers. Our AI solutions offer not just automated responses but a smart, learning system that evolves to meet your customers' ever-changing needs. Elevate your customer service with AI chatbots that are more than just tools—they are partners in enhancing your brand's customer experience.

Streamlining with AI: Transform Your Marketing Efficiency

Effortless Campaign Optimization:

  • Solocube Creative harnesses the power of AI to automate and refine your marketing campaigns. By taking over repetitive tasks, AI allows you to focus on creative and strategic aspects, ensuring your campaigns are constantly evolving and improving.
  • Intelligent Insights into Customer Behavior: Our AI tools delve deep into customer data, uncovering patterns and preferences. These insights are crucial for tailoring your marketing efforts to resonate more effectively with your target audience.

Maximizing Productivity and Efficiency:

  • By automating routine marketing tasks, AI significantly boosts productivity. It ensures that your resources are utilized more efficiently, allowing your team to focus on high-impact strategies and creative ideas.
  • Adaptive Campaign Management: AI's ability to quickly adapt and respond to changing market trends means your marketing strategies are always aligned with the current landscape. This adaptability is key to staying ahead in a competitive market.

Solocube Creative's integration of AI in marketing not only simplifies operational processes but also opens doors to innovative strategies and enhanced customer understanding. Experience a new level of marketing efficiency with AI-driven automation that propels your business forward.

Unlock the Potential of AI Across Industries with Solocube's AI Consulting Services

Discover the transformative power of AI in reshaping your industry. From retail to healthcare, finance to real estate, Solocube Creative offers bespoke AI consulting and marketing services. Our expertise helps you leverage AI to enhance customer experiences, optimize operations, and drive growth. Ready to explore how AI can revolutionize your business landscape? Dive into our diverse range of industry-specific AI applications and start your journey towards innovation and efficiency.

Retail Industry

  • Scenario: Personalizing the shopping experience on e-commerce websites.
  • Benefits: AI analyzes customer data and past shopping behaviors to recommend products, predict future purchases, and offer personalized discounts, leading to increased sales and customer loyalty.

Healthcare Industry

  • Scenario: Patient engagement and health information dissemination.
  • Benefits: AI-driven chatbots provide personalized health tips and reminders, help schedule appointments, and offer preliminary diagnosis based on symptoms, improving patient care and operational efficiency.

Financial Services

  • Scenario: Personalized financial advice and customer service.
  • Benefits: AI algorithms analyze customer spending habits and investment patterns to offer customized financial advice. Chatbots handle routine inquiries, freeing up staff for complex issues.

Real Estate

  • Scenario: Property recommendations and market analysis.
  • Benefits: AI tools analyze market trends and customer preferences to recommend properties to potential buyers and predict market shifts, aiding in strategic planning and targeted marketing.

Hospitality and Tourism

  • Scenario: Enhancing guest experiences and service personalization.
  • Benefits: AI-driven tools offer personalized travel recommendations, optimize booking processes, and provide virtual concierge services, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Automotive Industry

  • Scenario: Personalized marketing of vehicles and after-sales services.
  • Benefits: AI helps in understanding customer preferences and driving patterns, leading to personalized vehicle recommendations and targeted maintenance service offers.


  • Scenario: Customized learning experiences and resource recommendations.
  • Benefits: AI analyzes student learning patterns to offer personalized course recommendations, study materials, and adaptive learning experiences.

Entertainment and Media

  • Scenario: Personalized content recommendations on streaming platforms.
  • Benefits: AI algorithms suggest movies, TV shows, and music based on past viewing or listening habits, increasing user engagement and subscription retention.


  • Scenario: Personalized data plans and customer service.
  • Benefits: AI predicts customer usage patterns to recommend optimal data plans and uses chatbots for efficient customer service and query resolution.

In each of these scenarios, AI marketing leverages data to deliver personalized experiences, optimize marketing strategies, and improve customer engagement, leading to increased sales, efficiency, and customer satisfaction across various industries.

What our clients say

Sukhpaul S.
Ivan at Solocube consulted, and educated me regarding a new website, and even though I did not have them build me a website the amount of time and effort they spent on me shows me what type of company they are and tells me they are worth every $.Thank you for your time, effort and trying to accomodate me.Sukhpaul
Bruce B.
I was doubtful about the entire internet marketing in a commercial service industry, I gave it a leap of faith and was I wrong Solocude has done a great job, I get more leads resulting in business then I ever have, solocube listens, executes and follows up. excellent service.
Graham M.
Ivan and the team at Solocube were SO amazing to work with through the process of building out a new site for us. It was very evident that he is a straight up pro at what he does, and that was shown time and time again throughout the process. I would work with him time and time again as it was delight! Thanks guys.
Dumitru B (.
Solocube Creative is an exceptional digital agency that delivers outstanding results. Their team's creativity and expertise in web design, branding, and digital marketing are unparalleled. They understand the unique needs of their clients and go above and beyond to create captivating and impactful solutions. Working with Solocube Creative has been an absolute pleasure, and I highly recommend their services.
Claudio P.
Im really happy with the outcome of my web site , Ivan at Solocube Creative took the time and patience to help me out designing and launching my website . 10 out of 10 with him . I definitely recomend him . thanks again Ivan
Stephen F.
“We are very satisfied with the new COMSCAN TSCM website. We were looking for an overall look that was more modern and informative but easy to understand and navigate. Ivan Dancourt and his team at Solocube transformed our online presence with an impressive local marketing strategy and SEO. As a result, I have already noticed an uptick in business. Our goal at COMSCAN has always been to be a leader in the field of TSCM through fairness and hard work. Our website upgrade has greatly helped us achieve it.”
Social N.
I highly recommend Solocube to any brand looking for strategic digital marketing & design support. Solocube is best in class and their team genuinely cares about getting their clients results - they are much different than any other agency I have ever worked with - a true growth partner who wants your business to succeed.Their team is flexible and highly consultative, delivers high quality work on time and on budget and they genuinely go the extra mile to help their clients win. You will not go wrong with Solocube - you will get the best possible results for your money.We just launched our new website and already our inbound leads have grown in a short period of time. Also, their content production team is exceptional - I've received incredible blog posts written from them better than anyone in-house on my own team - they quickly understood our complex business, buying personas, top use cases and are producing high impact content that is saving me time, energy and money.Now I cannot wait to see what results we get from our PPC ad campaigns with Solocube at the helm!Again, Solocube is best in class. They are led by a founder, Ivan Dancourt, who has a huge heart, a ton of knowledge and a massive drive and dedication to make his clients successful.Thank you Ivan, and the Solocube team! We look forward to a continued partnership.Jessica Malach, VP Marketing InsightsSocial Nature
Brent P.
Solocube Creative did an amazing job in helping us create and launch our new website for Cuda Canada. From the initial concept to full execution, their team has been highly professional, knowledgeable, and creative. They used innovative technologies and marketing strategies that have allowed us to offer customers an easy way to view product details, compare different models, and make confident purchase decisions.Their customer service offered was also top-notch. Ivan and his team were always available to answer our questions throughout the process. They also took the time to understand our vision to craft a tailor-made eCommerce website that is truly unique and offers an expansive inventory of products.They also implemented SEO strategies, ranking our website on the first page of Google search results.We’re extremely satisfied with the results and highly recommend Solocube Creative for any business looking for a reliable website development partner.
StopTryingToMakeEmailHappen I.
We are extremely excited about the website and the new opportunities it presents with the new online store. Our goal with this new site was to provide an updated modern look as well as streamline and simplify our sales process for non-custom orders. We wanted an easier way for our current and future clients to do business with us and I feel this new site has achieved this goal. Ivan and the team at Solocube have worked extremely hard to make this vision a reality, overcoming many obstacles along the way. We are very appreciative of having such great partners!
LATAM Enjoy C.
Solocube Creative is a very knowledgeable company and they’re prepared to overcome the issues of the organization, helping the companies to grow their digital presence.Enjoy Canada Agency
joshua S.
In a nutshell, the new website is a game changer.When we sat down with Solocube to quantify the requirements for the design, we discussed our desire to have a site that fully encompasses the culture, vision and identity of M&T AC Ltd.In addition to that we wanted our website to generate revenue and sales. We wanted a marketing machine that takes advantage of the most cutting-edge web marketing strategies and SEO available to deliver top tier rankings and new business.Solocube shared our passion and ambitions for this project from the very beginning and has delivered big time!
Oliver B.
“With our old website, we managed a steady, consistent business. Our phones never stopped ringing and our tired old website struggled to keep up. A colleague recommended Solocube, and within weeks we had a high quality, professional e-commerce website up and running, along with a marketing strategy, SEO and more. I can’t say enough about Ivan and Solocube. They kept us going through the busiest days we could ever imagine! I look forward to growing further with the support of Ivan and his team. I can’t recommend them enough”
Brent P.
Ivan came highly recommended from a colleague. We were a bit over-whelmed with the other platform we were using and we needed a more streamlined approach. Ivan and his team took our mess and made it beautiful. The new integrated e-commerce and fresh website is awesome.We knew we had a great solution to help people in this strange time. But we couldn’t help them if they could not find us. Solocube made that happen. Ivan took our website from bottom of the search page to top 3 in google in just a few weeks. Ivan and his team also helped us put together a google ad that ‘got the word’ out fast and we saw results quickly.We are soon to launch a next generation cordless electrostatic sprayer and will definitely be utilizing Solocube’s expertise and services to get the word out. If you have a great product that want people to know about then give Ivan a call. You will not be disappointed with the results.
Martin S.
At Northern Star Education, we had the challenge of creating an optimized website in line with the social media strategy.The best value of dealing with Solocube is getting your business branding to the top of the search and the conversion of potential customers to returning ones. Solocube offers a holistic approach with tangible results.I highly recommend Ivan Dancourt, the communication is simple and straight to the point, because results do matter.Martin Staffolani - Northern Star Education
Ross F.
Working with Ivan for the past 12+ years has proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that a good "web guy" is worth their weight in gold. I
Kazuo T.
Through marketing work that entailed new website design, Jane app integration, video creation, Google and Facebook ads to name a few, Ivan helped me to power through a very challenging face of promoting my small practice. I thank Ivan for not only devoting himself tirelessly to the profession he is passionate about but also for stimulating and encouraging me to grow and evolve as a professional and person.
faja C.
My website is the primary representative of my business to all my prospective clients out there and I am delighted to have Solocube as my website strategists & creators. They have helped with a brilliant job which will further enable me to garner the heightened presence that I need to thrive successfully in this fiercely competitive virtual marketing scene. I am especially pleased with their personalized care and that they took their time out to guide me with expert suggestions in boosting my clientele. It was extremely helpful & added much value to my business. Thank you very much Solocube & I would be continuously in touch with you to keep my website updated & trending
Robert K.
We've been working with Solocube now for over 10 years and we've come to relay on this excellent company's up-to-date knowledge of online marketing techniques to promote our business to an international audience. They don't just design excellent websites, they also work hard to understand the unique markets their clients are aiming to develop.
Fun In The Sun W.
Two years ago our company was struggling in a very competitive industry. We brought Solocube Creative on board to help us with our company's branding and website design, assuming it would be a temporary partnership just to get us over the hump. However, the team has proven themselves so incredibly valuable to our growth and expansion that their role has evolved and today they are an invaluable piece of our company's puzzle.Today we have, hands down, the BEST website of any of our competitors. Solocube continues to maintain and troubleshoot this website, which we simply don't have time for because we have become too busy! They also manage our advertising on Facebook and Google, and advise on new strategies. Our Instagram has grown ten-fold in their hands, and we have implemented marketing strategies under their guidance that we never could have dreamed of tackling without their support.In two short years, against massive competition, we now sit organically on the first page of Google across multiple keyword terms all thanks to Solocube Creative and their efforts. We cannot imagine where we would be without them.Needless to say, if you are looking for a company for website design or to manage your advertising, social media, or marketing strategies, then look no further than Solocube Creative. Two thumbs WAY up!
Sean P.
Solocube Creative built and designed of our website and we are super happy with the results. The website has exceeded our expectations! We get comments on how appealing and professional the site looks everyday. It has brought us up to the next level, and I must say that its is one of the best looking sites within our Industry. Our site has seen significant high ranking on Google all thanks for their blog content writing and SEO services and we are getting so much business we even turned off our paid ads, since all our business now comes organically, we will continue on using their SEO services! Solocube gets a 5 star recommendation from us!
Jessica M.
I've worked with Ivan and his team at Solocube for several years on a variety of digital marketing projects and strongly recommend this group. Ivan from Solocube is highly strategic, always focused on client business objectives, incredibly creative and on-trend - his expertise in Facebook ads is terrific and I love working with them!
Kat B.
UWT has been working with Solocube Creative since 2009. We have consistently relied on them for our website design and development, and print collaborations. More recently, we have implemented some of Solocube’s marketing programs. We are gaining success through Facebook Marketing; we leave the research, ad creation, optimization and management up to Solocube, and reap the benefits of higher engagement, reach and website conversions. We are also seeing success through using their Blog Topic Creation services; the fact that this is backed by google keyword research confirms that we are creating valuable posts that have, high Google ranking and Facebook relevance scores for the refrigerated transportation industry. Solocube’s great track record for helping our company and others realize their branding goals is the reason we have continued our longstanding partnership!Kat Ball - MarketingUnited World Transportation
Erman C.
I first contacted Solocube Creative to redesign my website. They dida fantastic job! I am super happy with the way they built and designedmy company’s website.These guys are professionals! Not only did they design my site, butthey took care of all the content writing for it as well. Now I amranking on the first page of Google and getting more leads!I really recommend Solocube, Ivan and his team communicate really welland I am happy to say that now my company looks way better than mycompetition!I look forward to keep working with Solocube and see what they come upwith my marketing.Erman CelikProLevel Concrete Resurfacing Inc.

Explore the Future of Business with AI Consulting Services

Curious about what AI can do for your business? Step into the world of advanced AI marketing with Solocube Creative. Our expert AI consulting services are tailored to unlock new opportunities and drive innovative solutions for your business.

Whether it's enhancing customer engagement, streamlining operations, or boosting marketing efforts, discover the power of AI in transforming your business. Contact us today to learn how AI can elevate your business strategy to new heights.

FAQ's about our AI Chatbot Development services

What are AI Chatbots and how do they work?

AI chatbots are digital assistants that use artificial intelligence to interact with users. They can understand and respond to queries, perform tasks, and automate processes by analyzing user input and accessing relevant data.

Can AI Chatbots be integrated with my existing business systems?

Yes, AI chatbots can be integrated with various business systems, including CRM platforms, databases, and social media channels. This ensures seamless communication and data sharing for efficient operations.

How can AI Chatbots improve customer service?

AI chatbots offer 24/7 customer support, provide instant responses to inquiries, and can handle multiple queries simultaneously, leading to improved customer satisfaction and engagement.

Are AI Chatbots secure and do they protect customer data?

Security is a top priority in AI chatbot development. These chatbots are designed with robust encryption and compliance measures to ensure customer data is protected and privacy is maintained.

How customizable are AI Chatbots for specific business needs?

AI chatbots are highly customizable. They can be tailored to fit specific business requirements, industry standards, and customer interaction styles, making them versatile for various business scenarios.

How much do AI Chatbots cost?

The cost of developing AI chatbots varies widely based on complexity, customization, and the specific needs of a business. Here's a general cost range based on current market trends:

  1. Small Business Solutions:
    • For basic AI chatbots with limited functionalities and simpler integrations, costs can range from approximately $2,000 to $10,000. These chatbots usually offer standard features like answering FAQs, basic customer interactions, and simple integrations with business systems.
  2. Mid-Range Solutions:
    • For more advanced AI chatbots that require custom development, including moderate integration with CRM systems, analytics, and more sophisticated conversational capabilities, costs can range from $10,000 to $30,000. These chatbots are suitable for businesses looking for more personalized interactions and advanced features.
  3. Enterprise Solutions:
    • For high-end, fully customized AI chatbots with extensive integrations, advanced analytics, deep learning capabilities, and comprehensive backend support, costs can start from $30,000 and go upwards. These chatbots are typically employed by large enterprises requiring bespoke solutions, complex system integrations, and high-end functionalities.

It's important to note that these are approximate ranges and actual costs may vary based on specific requirements, the chosen platform for development, ongoing maintenance, and the level of AI sophistication needed.

Google reviews from our clients

Getting you results is our top priority.
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Based on 23 reviews
Ivan at Solocube consulted, and educated me regarding a new website, and even though I did not have them build me a website the amount of time and effort they spent on me shows me what type of company they are and tells me they are worth every $.Thank you for your time, effort and trying to accomodate me.Sukhpaul
Response from the owner: Thank you, Sukh, for your kind words. We are happy to know you got value out of our initial consulting! Best of luck!
I was doubtful about the entire internet marketing in a commercial service industry, I gave it a leap of faith and was I wrong Solocude has done a great job, I get more leads resulting in business then I ever have, solocube listens, executes and follows up. excellent service.
Response from the owner: Thank you so much for your kind words, Bruce. We are happy to know that you are getting more leads, and we hope to continue servicing M&T in the best way possible.
Ivan and the team at Solocube were SO amazing to work with through the process of building out a new site for us. It was very evident that he is a straight up pro at what he does, and that was shown time and time again throughout the process. I would work with him time and time again as it was delight! Thanks guys.
Response from the owner: Thank you for your kind words Graham! We enjoyed working with you on the design and development of your company's website and SEO. Wishing you a lot of success in the future!
Solocube Creative is an exceptional digital agency that delivers outstanding results. Their team's creativity and expertise in web design, branding, and digital marketing are unparalleled. They understand the unique needs of their clients and go above and beyond to create captivating and impactful solutions. Working with Solocube Creative has been an absolute pleasure, and I highly recommend their services.
Response from the owner: Thank you so much for your review. We are very proud of the work we accomplished together. We appreciate your business and hope we can continue working together in the future.
Im really happy with the outcome of my web site , Ivan at Solocube Creative took the time and patience to help me out designing and launching my website . 10 out of 10 with him . I definitely recomend him . thanks again Ivan
Response from the owner: Thank you so much Claudio! Much success with your business in the future!
“We are very satisfied with the new COMSCAN TSCM website. We were looking for an overall look that was more modern and informative but easy to understand and navigate. Ivan Dancourt and his team at Solocube transformed our online presence with an impressive local marketing strategy and SEO. As a result, I have already noticed an uptick in business. Our goal at COMSCAN has always been to be a leader in the field of TSCM through fairness and hard work. Our website upgrade has greatly helped us achieve it.”
Response from the owner: Thank you so much Stephen! We really enjoyed working on your new website and wish you much success with COMSCAN! We are here to help should you need anything in the near future.
I highly recommend Solocube to any brand looking for strategic digital marketing & design support. Solocube is best in class and their team genuinely cares about getting their clients results - they are much different than any other agency I have ever worked with - a true growth partner who wants your business to succeed.Their team is flexible and highly consultative, delivers high quality work on time and on budget and they genuinely go the extra mile to help their clients win. You will not go wrong with Solocube - you will get the best possible results for your money.We just launched our new website and already our inbound leads have grown in a short period of time. Also, their content production team is exceptional - I've received incredible blog posts written from them better than anyone in-house on my own team - they quickly understood our complex business, buying personas, top use cases and are producing high impact content that is saving me time, energy and money.Now I cannot wait to see what results we get from our PPC ad campaigns with Solocube at the helm!Again, Solocube is best in class. They are led by a founder, Ivan Dancourt, who has a huge heart, a ton of knowledge and a massive drive and dedication to make his clients successful.Thank you Ivan, and the Solocube team! We look forward to a continued partnership.Jessica Malach, VP Marketing InsightsSocial Nature
Response from the owner: Thank you for your positive feedback, Jessica! We are thrilled to hear that Solocube has been able to provide you with the digital marketing and design support your brand needs. Our team's goal is to be a true growth partner for our clients and help drive results, so it's great to hear that we have achieved that for you. We're glad to hear that our flexible and consultative approach has worked well for you and that the quality of our work has met your expectations. Your comments about our content production team are also greatly appreciated. We're glad to have been able to quickly understand your complex business and produce high-impact content that is saving you time, energy, and money. We look forward to continuing our partnership with you and delivering even more successful results in the future. Thank you for your support!
Solocube Creative did an amazing job in helping us create and launch our new website for Cuda Canada. From the initial concept to full execution, their team has been highly professional, knowledgeable, and creative. They used innovative technologies and marketing strategies that have allowed us to offer customers an easy way to view product details, compare different models, and make confident purchase decisions.Their customer service offered was also top-notch. Ivan and his team were always available to answer our questions throughout the process. They also took the time to understand our vision to craft a tailor-made eCommerce website that is truly unique and offers an expansive inventory of products.They also implemented SEO strategies, ranking our website on the first page of Google search results.We’re extremely satisfied with the results and highly recommend Solocube Creative for any business looking for a reliable website development partner.
Response from the owner: Thank you so much Brent! We are happy we could help Cuda Canada. We enjoyed working on the project and hope to continue working together in the future! Thank you for your business.
We are extremely excited about the website and the new opportunities it presents with the new online store. Our goal with this new site was to provide an updated modern look as well as streamline and simplify our sales process for non-custom orders. We wanted an easier way for our current and future clients to do business with us and I feel this new site has achieved this goal. Ivan and the team at Solocube have worked extremely hard to make this vision a reality, overcoming many obstacles along the way. We are very appreciative of having such great partners!
Response from the owner: Thank you so much for trusting us once again with the design and development of your new website. We wish the team at Source Floor much success in the future and hope to continue growing together.
Solocube Creative is a very knowledgeable company and they’re prepared to overcome the issues of the organization, helping the companies to grow their digital presence.Enjoy Canada Agency
Response from the owner: Thank you for your kind words, we really enjoyed working with Enjoy Canada and the team. We wish you much success in the future!
In a nutshell, the new website is a game changer.When we sat down with Solocube to quantify the requirements for the design, we discussed our desire to have a site that fully encompasses the culture, vision and identity of M&T AC Ltd.In addition to that we wanted our website to generate revenue and sales. We wanted a marketing machine that takes advantage of the most cutting-edge web marketing strategies and SEO available to deliver top tier rankings and new business.Solocube shared our passion and ambitions for this project from the very beginning and has delivered big time!
“With our old website, we managed a steady, consistent business. Our phones never stopped ringing and our tired old website struggled to keep up. A colleague recommended Solocube, and within weeks we had a high quality, professional e-commerce website up and running, along with a marketing strategy, SEO and more. I can’t say enough about Ivan and Solocube. They kept us going through the busiest days we could ever imagine! I look forward to growing further with the support of Ivan and his team. I can’t recommend them enough”
Ivan came highly recommended from a colleague. We were a bit over-whelmed with the other platform we were using and we needed a more streamlined approach. Ivan and his team took our mess and made it beautiful. The new integrated e-commerce and fresh website is awesome.We knew we had a great solution to help people in this strange time. But we couldn’t help them if they could not find us. Solocube made that happen. Ivan took our website from bottom of the search page to top 3 in google in just a few weeks. Ivan and his team also helped us put together a google ad that ‘got the word’ out fast and we saw results quickly.We are soon to launch a next generation cordless electrostatic sprayer and will definitely be utilizing Solocube’s expertise and services to get the word out. If you have a great product that want people to know about then give Ivan a call. You will not be disappointed with the results.
Response from the owner: Thank you so much for your kind words. We are happy to hear we could help Vital Clean grow!
At Northern Star Education, we had the challenge of creating an optimized website in line with the social media strategy.The best value of dealing with Solocube is getting your business branding to the top of the search and the conversion of potential customers to returning ones. Solocube offers a holistic approach with tangible results.I highly recommend Ivan Dancourt, the communication is simple and straight to the point, because results do matter.Martin Staffolani - Northern Star Education
Response from the owner: Thank you very much Martin, we really appreciate your kind words. We really enjoyed working with you and Northern Star Education. We hope to continue being a part of your growth!
Working with Ivan for the past 12+ years has proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that a good "web guy" is worth their weight in gold. I
Response from the owner: Thank you so much Ross, for your kind comments. We appreciate your business over the many years we've had the pleasure of working together.Happy that we can be of service for Source Floor & Specialties Inc.We look forward to more success for you and the company!
Through marketing work that entailed new website design, Jane app integration, video creation, Google and Facebook ads to name a few, Ivan helped me to power through a very challenging face of promoting my small practice. I thank Ivan for not only devoting himself tirelessly to the profession he is passionate about but also for stimulating and encouraging me to grow and evolve as a professional and person.
Response from the owner: Thank you so much Kaz, we really enjoyed working with you and Forest of Zen Wellness, much success, and health to you and yours!
My website is the primary representative of my business to all my prospective clients out there and I am delighted to have Solocube as my website strategists & creators. They have helped with a brilliant job which will further enable me to garner the heightened presence that I need to thrive successfully in this fiercely competitive virtual marketing scene. I am especially pleased with their personalized care and that they took their time out to guide me with expert suggestions in boosting my clientele. It was extremely helpful & added much value to my business. Thank you very much Solocube & I would be continuously in touch with you to keep my website updated & trending
Response from the owner: Thank you very much for the kind words. We are very happy that we could be a part of your new website, much success in the future!
We've been working with Solocube now for over 10 years and we've come to relay on this excellent company's up-to-date knowledge of online marketing techniques to promote our business to an international audience. They don't just design excellent websites, they also work hard to understand the unique markets their clients are aiming to develop.
Response from the owner: We really appreciate your kind words. It's been an honour to work with such an amazing and unique gallery that showcases the best Inuit art in Canada! You can count on us in the near future!
Two years ago our company was struggling in a very competitive industry. We brought Solocube Creative on board to help us with our company's branding and website design, assuming it would be a temporary partnership just to get us over the hump. However, the team has proven themselves so incredibly valuable to our growth and expansion that their role has evolved and today they are an invaluable piece of our company's puzzle.Today we have, hands down, the BEST website of any of our competitors. Solocube continues to maintain and troubleshoot this website, which we simply don't have time for because we have become too busy! They also manage our advertising on Facebook and Google, and advise on new strategies. Our Instagram has grown ten-fold in their hands, and we have implemented marketing strategies under their guidance that we never could have dreamed of tackling without their support.In two short years, against massive competition, we now sit organically on the first page of Google across multiple keyword terms all thanks to Solocube Creative and their efforts. We cannot imagine where we would be without them.Needless to say, if you are looking for a company for website design or to manage your advertising, social media, or marketing strategies, then look no further than Solocube Creative. Two thumbs WAY up!
Response from the owner: We are stunned at your very kind words. Thank you sooo much! We are happy to be a part of the Fun In The Sun Weddings marketing team and we look forward to keep growing with you!
Solocube Creative built and designed of our website and we are super happy with the results. The website has exceeded our expectations! We get comments on how appealing and professional the site looks everyday. It has brought us up to the next level, and I must say that its is one of the best looking sites within our Industry. Our site has seen significant high ranking on Google all thanks for their blog content writing and SEO services and we are getting so much business we even turned off our paid ads, since all our business now comes organically, we will continue on using their SEO services! Solocube gets a 5 star recommendation from us!
Response from the owner: Thanks very much for your kind words. It was a pleasure to have worked on Greenworks Carpet Care website & SEO, we hope it has generated a lot of business for you. We are here to help if you need us!
I've worked with Ivan and his team at Solocube for several years on a variety of digital marketing projects and strongly recommend this group. Ivan from Solocube is highly strategic, always focused on client business objectives, incredibly creative and on-trend - his expertise in Facebook ads is terrific and I love working with them!
Response from the owner: Thank you very much, we hope to continue working with you in the future!
UWT has been working with Solocube Creative since 2009. We have consistently relied on them for our website design and development, and print collaborations. More recently, we have implemented some of Solocube’s marketing programs. We are gaining success through Facebook Marketing; we leave the research, ad creation, optimization and management up to Solocube, and reap the benefits of higher engagement, reach and website conversions. We are also seeing success through using their Blog Topic Creation services; the fact that this is backed by google keyword research confirms that we are creating valuable posts that have, high Google ranking and Facebook relevance scores for the refrigerated transportation industry. Solocube’s great track record for helping our company and others realize their branding goals is the reason we have continued our longstanding partnership!Kat Ball - MarketingUnited World Transportation
Response from the owner: Thank you so much. We love working with United World Transportation and we are happy we are able to help you with marketing in any way we can. Looking forward to our continued success!
I first contacted Solocube Creative to redesign my website. They dida fantastic job! I am super happy with the way they built and designedmy company’s website.These guys are professionals! Not only did they design my site, butthey took care of all the content writing for it as well. Now I amranking on the first page of Google and getting more leads!I really recommend Solocube, Ivan and his team communicate really welland I am happy to say that now my company looks way better than mycompetition!I look forward to keep working with Solocube and see what they come upwith my marketing.Erman CelikProLevel Concrete Resurfacing Inc.

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