Sep 12

Is It Worth Blogging For Your Business? Weighing The Pros And Cons

If you run a small business, you’re probably asking yourself is it worth blogging for your business? The quick answer is a definite YES! Blogging regularly can help your business tremendously in the long run, once setup correctly and with a bit of consistency it can enhance your inbound marketing efforts, drive traffic to your website, as well as draw potential consumers searching for your type of content.

As a business owner, having a blog is the single most valued medium that companies have to connect with customers. So, what are you waiting for? Get your business blog up and running so you won’t get left behind.

Here are some of the most significant advantages of having a blog for your business:

1. Drives Traffic to your Website

Each new blog post gets your page indexed on Google and as such, provides an opportunity for your website to get found in the search engines. As a result, it drives traffic to your site and lets Google as well as other search engines know that your site is active rather than stagnant.

Blogging also helps others find you through social media networks. Each time you publish blog content, you're producing content that people can share with their followers on social media (e.g., Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter, Tumblr, etc.). Consequently, gets your business exposed to a new audience.

By having a business blog, whether you’re creating the content or your social media manager, you’re able to increase and strengthen your company’s social reach in addition to driving traffic to your website.

2. Boost Search Engine Optimization

What better way to make available frequent content, than with fresh blog posts that search engines prefer. Through blogging regularly, you provide Google and other search engines with new content to index and you generate occasions to promote those crucial key terms to increase your visibility on search engine results pages (SERPS).

3. Develop Relationships with Potential and Existing Customers

Blogging allows you to connect with your site visitors. You can do this by means of putting your readers’ questions at the end of your posts to get the conversation started or via the comments section. Through examining and responding to readers’ comments, you can create a connection with your audience, develop trust, plus obtain invaluable understanding into what your shoppers are searching for.

4. Validate Your Business as an Industry Leader

Any business can build trust and clout within its trade by giving invaluable, professional information in each blog post.   As time goes by, people will look to you to provide the answers they seek and in turn, makes way for higher conversion rates.

5. Connect People to Your Brand

Blog posting allows you to reveal a particular side of your company that potential and current customers won’t get to see through outbound marketing methods. Business blogging hands others an awareness of the organization standards, vision, and personality.

Blogging for your business keeps it from being seen as inactive by the Googlebots as well as people. In turn, Google won’t penalize your website and visitors will continue to visit your site because your blog will have updated content on it. Businesses everywhere have incorporated blogging into their sites. For example, Marriott, Southwest Airlines, American Express, etc.

Below you will find weighing the pros and cons of starting a blog for your business.

Blogging Pros

  • It doesn’t take much to start a business blog. It can be simple and technically user-friendly if you do it right, by using blogging platforms such as WordPress. You can then assign a member of your team to write regular blog posts related to your industry and that provide value to your readers. If you don't have the resources to write content for your site you can hire a company like Solocube Creative to write this content for you and  help keep your blog stocked with fresh and unique content.
  • You can target your content to different demographics and talk about different topics you know your audience will be interested in reading, therefore making a connection with your visitors.

Blogging Cons

  • Blogs are time-consuming to maintain. It takes a great deal of artistic enthusiasm coupled with consistent renewing to maintain fresh content. The time it takes to maintain a good company blog could essentially end up costing more than the values that it generates.
  • Business blogging requires strong written communication skills and creativity.
  • Blogs take time and care to build.


From a practical standpoint, blogging just makes sense. With a little bit of work and consistency, you can build credibility, heighten search engine rankings, increase website traffic, and foster relationships with prospective and existing buyers. No small business should pass up an opportunity to enrich their website by adding valuable content.

Business blogging isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. So, what are you waiting for? Weigh the pros and cons of starting a blog for your business blog. You don’t have to start out big; just start.

What are your Pros and Cons of starting a blog for your business? Please share your thoughts in our comments section below.