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What Does a Digital Marketing Consultant Do and How Getting One Can Help Your Business Grow?

You’ve got a website, but your traffic is not growing. You’re on social media, but don’t have much in terms of followers or engagement. You’ve invested in some paid advertising, but your CPA is too high. You’ve posted a few blogs but aren’t sure if they’re working. These are all areas in which a digital marketing consultant can help!

What Does A Digital Marketing Consultant Do?

There are many contributing factors to getting your website found by search engines, and more importantly to drive quality traffic to your website. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, which is where a digital marketing consultant comes in. They assess where you are and where you need to be and create a digital marketing strategy to get you there. While every strategy is different, it is sure to include:

Search Engine Optimization—SEO must be built-in to your website design, written in to your text without keyword stuffing, and strategically infused into all your content. Once complete, it must be updated with industry trends and changes in keywords. This includes local SEO for businesses that serve concentrated areas. For example, your Atlanta hair salon doesn’t need traffic from California.

Keyword Research—most business owners choose their own keywords, but do so without the proper tools. While it might seem logical to move forward with “Atlanta hair salon” that is a highly competitive keyword, your marketing consultant can help you find keywords that will be easier to rank for and that hyper-target your niche. For example, grey hair specialist, curly hair specialist, blow dry bar, men’s hair salon, beard barber, etc.

Social Media—not every social media platform is effective for every business model. Your digital marketing consultant will help you determine which platforms your target audience frequents and how to get your social content in their newsfeed or on their radar.

Website Design—you already have a website, but that’s not enough. As mentioned above, SEO must be built-in to the design and infused in the back of house. But that’s not all. Your website must be modern in visual appearance, user-friendly and intuitive. It must also support your business goals, be the face of your online brand, act as your online hub, and may even be a secondary or primary stream of revenue.

Paid Advertising—there are a large and endless number of ways you can pay to advertise your business online. PPC keyword marketing that drives traffic to an opt-in landing page, article marketing to drive traffic back to your website, product videos to help sell your products, paid social media marketing, sponsored articles, in-app advertising, and more. Not all of these are necessary and must be part of a broader strategy.

So, what does a digital marketing consultant do? They create a strategic and measurable strategy that is custom tailored to your industry and business goals. They expand your reach in rapid and meaningful ways. If you are in the market for a seasoned consultant, reach out to the team at Solocube Creative today!