Mar 26
finding the right domain name for your business or product FB - Finding the Right Domain Name for Your Business or Product

Finding the Right Domain Name for Your Business or Product

Picking the right domain name is much like coming up with a name for your company. You need to think things through. The domain name serves as your website’s identity. Thus, you need to make sure that you not only choose a name that matches the type of business you have, but you also need a name that can be easily remembered and one that is catchy enough. Here are tips on how to pick the right domain name for your business.

Keep the Name Short and Easy

To make your online presence a success, you need a simple domain name. Avoid complicated spellings just to make a variety of a certain word. Long words for domain names are also difficult to remember and type out.

Use of Keywords

Keywords are important for any online business. Make sure you use relevant keywords when giving a description of the product or service your company is providing. For instance, if your company specializes in house renovations, you can use domain names such as, for instance, to help people easily find you when searching. Using relevant keywords in your domain name improves your search engine rankings.

Include Your Business Area

If you have a local business, adding your state or city to the domain name makes it all the more convenient for customers to find you. For instance, you are a landscaping business located in Florida; you can make your customers locate you conveniently if you have a domain name like

Be Unique, But Simple

Having a simple domain name that retains uniqueness becomes memorable to people. With millions of domain names to be picked out, choose one that is appealing. Avoid using hyphens and numbers in your domain name.  It would confuse those who might be searching for you. If hyphens or numbers are really necessary, you can register it under a different variation.

Do Some Research

There’s nothing worse than picking out a name that is already trademarked or copyrighted. Picking a name that’s already been used by an existing company can result to legal issues. Make sure you do enough research and find out if the name you have chosen has not been registered to any business.

Choosing the Right Domain Name Extensions

The choice of domain name extensions such as .net or .com is important when you want to set up an online business. The .com extension is the most widely used but there are other extensions available and these should match the kind of website you have. For instance, if you are a non-profit organization, you can register your site as a “.org” site.

Domain names can sell very quickly so it helps if you register your chosen name as soon as possible. Domain names are also not that expensive so that’s a good thing. If you can’t decide what to name your website, there are domain registrars available to help you pick an appropriate name. Also, once you decide on your final domain name, try to register the two top-domain extension variations .com & .net.

Here are a few tools to help you choose the right domain name


Ready to Register your domain right now?

We really like domain registrar company called hover and from continuosly having registered a few domains we are very pleased with their transparent, straightforward and valuable service. For every domain registration you get:

  • Unlimited Domain Forwarding
  • No Charge Whois Privacy (this one is unheard of but very valuable)
  • Powerful Domain Editing
  • Advanced DNS Management (we changed the DNS of 3 domains and where pointing almost immediately!)
  • Register your domains by clicking here.

Hosting Option

Another option for both hosting & registering your domain is Hostmonster, we've been hosting our sites with them for years and found them to be very reliable and their customer support is unreal. Check them out here.