You don’t need to be smart or wise to say that not having a mobile responsive website in 2016 is probably the biggest mistake ever. Well, this stands if you are trying to make any money out of your website. We will list several reasons bellow backing this opinion that will not only make you build mobile responsive website right away, but you’ll also want to build the best possible one. We’ll also mention why it’s better to have one website that is mobile responsive, and not separate desktop and mobile version of the website.
1. Google demands it!
It has been in their recommendations few years now. Besides the site load speed which is important, Google will rank better the website with mobile responsive website. Few years ago they even started putting references like “mobile friendly” right next to the search result. Thus, if you want your website to rank better, and if you want to outrank your competitors, you must have a mobile responsive website.
2. Your users will enjoy it
When you have a mobile responsive website, the website will look great on any mobile device and screen size. This means that users viewing it on their iPhone or Nexus 7 tablet will have the same experience. This means that the user experience will be constant and great across any mobile device.
3. You will have more potential to increase sales
As mobile sales and internet usage percentages are higher than desktop sales since 2014, and the number still is increasing, you are more likely to increase your sales if you have mobile responsive website. Users will find the info and your products much faster and easier compared to the desktop version.
4. SEO is easier to manage
If you have two separate websites you need to build your SEO separately, which requires more time. With a mobile responsive website, you will build your SEO ones and more effectively. Great SEO will bring more organic traffic and boost your marketing efforts.
5. The Future is Yours
As new devices are being introduced each day, your mobile responsive website will be optimized for all of them. TVs, tablets, hybrids, smartphones etc. will access your website fast and will enjoy the content. Responsive websites will adapt to future devices.
6. It’s the only way to satisfy Google standards
Google loves fast loading websites. Their Page Speed tool is one of the best tools to calculate your page load speed both on mobile and desktop. According to their page speed standards, the website should load in under 1 second when accessed from a mobile device. This is simply not possible if you don’t have a mobile responsive website.
Final Thoughts
There is no question that your marketing efforts depend on enabling enjoyable experience to your website’s visitors. Thus, having a mobile responsive website that will adapt to any type of mobile device is the key to boosting your sales. Maybe, the question is not whether to have it or not, but “how do I build the best mobile responsive website”.