Jun 13
a quick real life example of the power of facebook ads retargeting 1000x563 - A Quick Real Life Example of the Power of Facebook Ads Retargeting

A Quick Real Life Example of the Power of Facebook Ads Retargeting

In this quick post, I want to show you the effectiveness of a “retargeting” Facebook ad campaign, that happened in a real world scenario. You will probably recognize this, since this happens a lot when online shopping: you go to a site looking for something, then leave, after you see an ad promoting that same service or product you were looking for, therefore, reminding you of come back to purchase, and in most cases at a discount.

Earlier today I was browsing the Expedia site looking for a hotel in Seattle, looked at a few options and left the site so I could have a better look after.

Then later in the day, I was looking at my Facebook feed on my phone and came across an ad from Expedia that said “Save up to 40% on your Hotel in our mobile app”.

retargeting ad iphone - A Quick Real Life Example of the Power of Facebook Ads Retargeting

Retargeting Facebook Ad Shown on iPhone

This is a perfect example of what is called a Facebook retargeting ad executed by the marketing team at Expedia. The ad even states where to look for that 40% offer “…in our mobile app”, which is where I was looking at Expedia, in their mobile app on my iPhone.

retargeting example V2 - A Quick Real Life Example of the Power of Facebook Ads Retargeting

Photo Credit: Zibaba

Here is a perfect definition of what retargeting does by “Adroll

Retargeting converts window-shoppers into buyers. Generally 2% of shoppers convert on the first visit to an online store. Retargeting brings back the other 98%. Retargeting works by keeping track of people who visit your site and displaying your retargeting ads to them as they visit other sites online.

Why is this example important for your business?

This simple yet effective Retargeting campaign strategy is nothing new in the digital marketing world, but what I think is important is the fact that you can do that same exact campaign to retarget your own potential customers target market with what you are offering, services or products.

With Facebook being one of the most powerful marketing platforms in the world right now, there is a huge opportunity for businesses to take advantage of this amazing social media site.

How can Facebook ad retargeting help your business? Contact us today and we'll be happy to guide you through the process!