Jul 05
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How to Create a Simple Marketing Funnel for Your Small Business?

Even startups and small business owners require a marketing funnel. If this term is new to you, it is a method of capturing qualified leads, and keeping them engaged. Below is an overview of the perfect funnel, and fast and easy ways to create a marketing funnel for your small business.

The 4 Elements Of The Perfect Funnel

First, let’s take a quick look at what a marketing funnel looks like from top (the widest part of the funnel) to bottom (the increasingly narrow part of the funnel.

  1. Build Awareness: First you must find ways to get your business or brand out there, both online and offline.
  2. Generate Interest: Now that you’ve got their attention, you must maintain their interest—make the want to learn more.
  3. Get Them To Consider You: Wanting to learn a bit more about a company after an initial introduction is one thing, now it is time to win them over. How can you inspire them to consider you over a competitor, or you—even if they were not originally planning to buy?
  4. Take Action Or Make A Purchase: This is the where you get a lead to opt-in, or convert.

Live Networking

Let’s start with the one that some of us forget is still alive and well, especially for the small local business owner. Get yourself out there. Sign up for local professional networking events, join your local Chambers Commerce, and even go to local events your demographic will target. Have your business cards in hand, and be ready to record contact information for those who don’t have cards on them.

Creative Marketing

If you want to know how to create a marketing funnel, you must be willing to get creative. Leads won’t just show up out of nowhere, so it’s time to create some offline brochures, posters, and brochures. If you are focusing more online engagement, which often has a better ROI, focus on article marketing, case studies, online videos, or webinars. For example, a guest article in an online magazine or a sponsored social media post with an informative video.

An Inspired Action

Not every lead will make an immediate purchase, so make sure they have another ‘actionable’ option. This could include opting-in to your monthly newsletter via a landing page—where you provide them with a free eBook. Keep in mind that the enticing gift you provide (in this case an eBook) shouldn’t be product focused—but product adjacent. For example, if you are a beauty and cosmetics company, offer an eBook on seasonal at-home beauty routines. Or how to care for your skin as you age. Also search for ways to cross-channel market, such as adding an online only promotion on printed content.

The goal of a marketing funnel is to slowly but surely win over a lead, and to gather contact information that you can use to continue to connect, engage, and keep your brand top of mind. While new leads are always a priority, don’t forget that your past and current customers are a valuable resource. An easy way to stay connected is to add a POS email opt-in. In this case, offer exclusive discounts to entice them to say yes. As you can see, creating a marketing funnel for small business is easy!