Dec 01
p5 1000x563 - Northern Star Education Launches New Website Targeting The Private School International Education Market

Northern Star Education Launches New Website Targeting The Private School International Education Market

For years, foreign parents have looked to the professionals at Northern Star Education, led by founder Mr. Martin Staffolani, to find the perfect overseas education program for their kids.

From the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, Switzerland, France, Spain & United States, Northern Star Education unlocks the path to the world’s best education programs. With over 25-years of cumulative service in the education sector, Northern Star Education is in a league of its own.

Recently, Northern Star Education reached out to Solocube Creative to build its website from the ground up. Aside from web design, Solocube Creative and Northern Star Education's collaborative efforts targeted the international private school market via SEO-oriented content, optimized & informative articles, a consultation sales funnel, and social media efforts.

Read along to learn how Solocube Creative positively impacted Northern Star Education's online presence.

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Solocube's Custom Website Design

The first task of this multi-step project was to design the website for Northern Star Education and establish their brand identity & messaging online.

Solocube’s team worked hand-in-hand with North Star Education to gain a clear understanding of their goals and aesthetic preference. Overall, Solocube presented Northern Star Education’s commitment to comprehensive services, high-quality standards, and a selection of opportunities, programs & types of schools for students.

Next, Solocube Creative harnessed WordPress’s versatile platform to build a fully custom site. From the eye-catching landing page to the user interface’s overall functionality, Northern Star Education's website is primed for increased traffic.

Furthermore, Solocube enabled multi-language functionality by building English and Spanish into the website. Lastly, the website is mobile-friendly to ensure that anyone wishing to view the website has streamlined access.


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Solocube's Sales Consultation Funnel

Solocube understands the importance of lead generation and nurturing and for that reason a sales consultation funnel was built to take future students through a sales application process to qualify potential clients through online forms and automatic appointment scheduling. This will save time and increase the quality of leads that Northern Star Education receives.

With Solocube’s guidance, Northern Star Education was also able to create their own personalized videos used inside the consultation sales funnel and better serve potential clients in the process.

Solocube Fuses Social Media With Web Design

Next, Solocube Creative integrated Northern Star Education's social media with their website.

Clients can easily find Northern Star Education's Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channel with the click of a button. Although the website is packed with information, social media allows clients to understand what Northern Star Education has to offer.

By branding Northern Star Education's social media accounts, Solocube opened the door to a new clientele range.

Solocube's SEO-Oriented Content

Last but not least is the content throughout the website and blog.

Solocube provides Northern Star Education with SEO-oriented content to ensure they rank on Google. By doing so, Northern Star Education will gain new and organic leads and retain customers for continued business.

Overall, Solocube's focus on web design, content production, and social media strategy converges to create positive growth.

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What Northern Star Education and Solocube Creative Have to Say

Now, let's look at what Northern Star Education and Solocube Creative have to say about their collaborative efforts on this unique project.

“At Northern Star Education, we had the challenge of creating an optimized website in line with the social media strategy. The best value of dealing with Solocube is getting your business branding to the top of the search and the conversion of potential customers to returning ones.

Solocube offers a holistic approach with tangible results. I highly recommend Ivan Dancourt and the Solocube team, the communication is simple and straight to the point because results do matter.”

— Martin Staffolani, Founder of Northern Star Education

“It has been a pleasure working with Martin and getting his new venture off the ground with a new website.

From the beginning, we wanted to create a website that not only showcased all of the experience and services that Northern Star Education offers but also make it easy for Martin to onboard new clients through an interactive sales consulting funnel that not only helps inform a potential client through the process but also helps schedule appointments for the Northern Star Education team.

We wish Martin and the Northern Star Education team all the best and much success with the new website. We hope to keep growing with you and your company.”

— Ivan Dancourt, Marketing Director of Solocube

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