If you need a sound content strategy for the web, you’re not alone. Companies all over the world are continually experimenting with their content strategy for the web, trying to find the best way to interest and ultimately attract new customers to their brand. Here we provide you with our 5-step process to preparing a content strategy for the web which effectively brings in leads.
1. Research your audience
Before you jump into anything else, it is crucial that you know your audience and know them well. After all, if you don’t know who you’re creating content for, then how will you know what content to create! Find out key information such as their main demographics, age range, location, gender, income bracket, and more. Once you know more about your audience, it frames your entire content strategy for the web and how your approach it.
2. Create a blog
If you don’t already have one, create a blog for your website and update it regularly. Even if it is not the main source of your content marketing strategy, a regularly-updated blog can see your website gather additional backlinks and pull people in if you’re covering interesting and relevant topics. Google also prioritizes websites which update themselves and their content regularly, so keeping a regular blog makes you appear more “active” to Google, boosting your SEO ranking.
3. Build an email list
Using your existing marketing materials and information from prior customer orders, start building out an email list which enables you to directly contact leads. Whether you’re sending them direct offers or simply maintaining your brand awareness with the occasional newsletter, building an email list is a brilliant way to keep your customers at arm’s length.
4. Develop content
After assessing your audience and figuring out what your main demographics are, decide what kind of content they want to see. If you’re a makeup company whose main demographic is millennials, you’ll probably want to create “how to” makeup videos online. On the other hand, if your main audience is middle-aged business executives, an interesting podcast may be the best content to promote yourself with. Whatever you choose to do, just make sure that it’s engaging and relevant!
5. Harness the power of social media
Social media streams like Facebook allow you to specify niche audiences for your content, enabling you to target people who are sitting in your key demographics directly. Social media also has the sharing factor which is so advantageous for content, allowing users to effortlessly share your content with their friends/followers, increasing your brand awareness further and enabling you to create more organic leads for yourself.
If you’re looking for a simple yet effective content strategy for the web, try following the 5 steps mentioned above. Just remember to know your audience and your industry like the back of your hand, tailoring the content to be engaging and in-line with their needs and interests.