While most chiropractors and physicians will shy away from connecting with their clients on their personal social media pages, many practices have their own social media pages. This presents an excellent option for engagement and convenient communication. Below are a few Facebook marketing tips for chiropractors and niche-specific physicians.
Keep Promos And Services To A Minimum
First things first, posting about your prices and service menu is not a way to achieve engagement or new followers on Facebook. Yes, post about the occasional promotion—but you need to be more strategic, and more client-centered.
Informative Posts
Both your paid and free posts must include relevant, informative posts about chiropractic care or your service niche. For example, an infographic on diabetic-friendly foods, seasonal allergies, or the benefits of adjustments for chronic pain. However, expand this information to all types of health and fitness related topics, including recipes, workout information, stretches, posture, and more. Turn to your most frequently asked questions for inspiration.
Leverage DIY Videos
As a sports medicine physician, naturopath, eastern medicine practitioner, or chiropractor—there is an endless option of DIY videos you can shoot. These can also be posted to YouTube, and promoted on both YouTube and Facebook.
- Stretches for tendonitis.
- Exercises for gamers or those with carpal tunnel from typing.
- Posture while sitting all day.
- The best office ergonomics for back pain.
- How to create DIY essential oil sprays.
- Stretches and exercise for your most common treatments.
- Self-massage techniques.
- Breathing exercises.
- Guided meditation.
- Natural anti-inflammatory.
- Dietary changes for specific health concerns.
- Nutrition and supplements.
- Seasonal health concerns.
- And more!
Community-Centered Posts
As a chiropractor or physician, you have a clear geographic location that you serve, making local community events are an excellent topic to post about on Facebook. This includes health and wellness events, local non-profits you are aligned with, and annual festivals and events. Yes, include events you sponsor or participate in—like a local color run, but focus more on the community than sales and promotion.
Set Up And Test Paid Campaigns
Online marketing is completely different than your offline print marketing, so don’t be tempted to use the same ads. Even if running a promotion, make it an Facebook only coupon code or discount that you can use to track your ROI. If you are new to Facebook, your paid ads must be focused on building engagement and brand awareness. Once you have a steady fan following and level of engagement, even if they aren’t all customers, then you can start investing in conversion related ads. With every ad you create, cast a small net—by targeting the audience you aim to serve: diabetes, asthma, back pain, sports injuries, fibromyalgia, and more. Test at least two versions of each ad, and tweak to perfection.
Last but not least, another Facebook marketing strategy for chiropractors and physicians is to join a few relevant groups related to health, wellness, and fitness—and answer a handful of questions each week. While the group may have nationwide or global reach, your useful posts can drive more engagement on your Facebook business page.
Are you a chiropractor or physician looking to advertise on Facebook? Contact us we'll be happy to help!
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