Aug 09
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How Simple Chatbots Can Help Your Business With Upsells and Cross Sales

Adding a simple sales chatbot to your website, proprietary app, or social media page provides your customers with the 24/7 and on-the-go customer support needed to ask the questions standing in the way of their purchasing decision. Chatbots are a cost-effective alternative to live customer service agents, making them a perfect means of communication for everyone from major corporations, to startups, and small businesses.

What Is A Chatbot?

Odds are you have come across a chatbot at least a handful of times, you just might not have known it was a bot. For example, I logged into my mobile phone providers app today, typed a question into the search box—and the chat bot greeted me, and prompted me to the link to answer my frequently asked question.

There are two types of chat bots, chatbots that you set up to guide customers through their most common sales and service questions—or even to process an order. The second type of bot utilizes artificial intelligence (AI). It understands language, and “learns” more with every interaction, therefore better serving your customer.

How Do Chat Bots Help You Upsell And Cross Sell?

There are multiple ways in which your chatbot can help you upsell and cross sell. What is essential, is that you put a lot of thought into the common questions that influence purchasing decisions. For example, a sales chatbot on your social media page could instantly answer whether or not the blouse you are selling is available in a different size or color. Or when clicked on, it could simply ask “What are you searching for today?”, and then provide linked buttons to guide buyers to your product categories. Alternatively, your cable company could utilize a chatbot to help you upgrade your plan, without waiting on hold to speak with a customer service representative. Once a question is answered or order is placed, you can suggest common upsells.

Do Customers Like Using Chatbots?

In many cases, your customers won’t even know that they are instant messaging, texting, or speaking with a chatbot on Messenger. And yes, they like it—because they can instantly have most questions answered. Since simple chatbots do not comprehend all questions, you may have to transfer some of your clients on to an alternate communication channel. While they may have to wait until the next business day, this is still better than losing them without any direct engagement.

Can Chatbots Help With Anything Else?

Sales chatbots are one of the most popular, but there are many ways in which you can utilize a chat bot. They can push promotions, collect demographic data points, pop-up on your website to see if customers have questions, display product preferences for returning visitors—and much more. In fact, AI bots can drastically reduce your live customer service team, all while reducing hold and wait times.

There is a lot that goes into setting up a simple sales chatbot. While it is certainly something you can do yourself, it is important to know the right questions to ask to ensure your bot can complete the sale, answer the questions, or achieve your desired goal. It is for this reasons that many businesses reach out to a professional to help design their mobile sales bots.